New scheduling interface
Feb 29, 2024
All menus have been reviewed to allow you smooth navigation and quick access to all the features offered by Prima.
The player action selection menu now appears above the reservations to allow you quick access to all menus.
New features have been added:
Separation of course alerts and instruction book
Common search member/visitor
A new booking process
A common space for managing competitions, events, groups, and neutralization
Addition of multiple neutralization features
If you wish to update your colors to match the new display, you will find below the link in the different software to do so:
Update the course color: PrimaDesk > Settings and Structures > General Settings > Course > Click on the yellow wheel of the course > Change color > Validate.
Update the visitor font colors: PrimaDesk > Settings and Structures > General Settings > Visitor Categories > Double-click on the category > Choose the color.
Update the member font colors: PrimaGolf > Settings and Structures > General Settings > Status and Category > Double-click on the status > Choose the color.